Mission to Teach -Ethiopia
Since about 2000, my primary external focus has been excavation and research associated with the Northeast Insulae Project of the Hippos Excavations. I was set to return to the Albright Institute in Jerusalem last October for more work on the research when those plans were disrupted by the war between Hamas and Israel. I have no idea when I might return again.
Then this spring, I received an invitation to be visiting professor for a semester in the new PhD program at the Mekane Yesus Seminary in Addis Ababa. The seminary is affiliated with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Mekane Yesus, the largest Lutheran denomination in the world with over 10 million members. I will teach Advanced Hermeneutics and Advanced Biblical Greek in that program.
Once the teaching begins, I plan to post a weekly update here. If you are interested in following my work.
I will soon be setting up a way by which you may subscribe to these posts and receive them via email. I will echo these posts on Facebook.
Below are a few pictures of the seminary from my visit there in 2023.